Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Test of faith.

I just found out one of the classes I'll most likely need to take to get into the education program has a prereq of another one of the prereqs...confusing right?

I really need to get over to the university center and make an appointment SOON.
I'm just having motivational issues...again. That happens way too much for me. I get into school and that's ALL I do and I start to feel burned out very fast. I need some variety in my life.

Anyway, I can see this is going to be a major test of my faith to let go and let God lead me and take care of things here as well as with finding a job. One of my biggest problems is never letting completely go.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another week gone by...

Well. I survived my first week of a new semester. How? I have no idea. It was like I had enough energy to make it through school and as soon as I walked through the door at home it all drained into the couch or something. When I actually start getting tons of assignments I dont know how I'll do it....good thing I have God to lift me up :)

My first day of volunteering went pretty well. Kindergarteners are SO cute! Mostly I just helped set up things that the teacher needed done still. I still had fun, until I walked out to my car to find a dead battery. Of course, NOBODY answered their phones, so I went back into the office to ask if I could wait there until someone called me back. The lady at the desk asked one of the maintenece guys if he could come jumpstart a car. I'm SO thankful they're such nice people at the school I'm working at. I would have been waiting for a long time if not for them. I'm guessing my brake lights stayed on again. Silly cars. Anyway, I'm supposed to be working with a different teacher every week for a few weeks in Kindergarten and then I'll be moving through other grades from K to 3rd. I'm excited to see where God will lead me!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


School starts tomorrow.
I can't believe I am now a sophomore...in college.

I can't believe that when I went to the elementary school last week signing up for volunteering was nothing....but now I have to be there at 7:30 AM Friday.

I can't believe that my very first class of the semester is Speech....of all things I absolutely loathe public speaking, lucky me I have a whole class dedicated to it and the last time I checked the class was full....good thing I'll have my boyfriend in there with me...he's about the only one I know in there.

As I sit here listening to my cousin's playlist on her blog Hold Us Together by Matt Maher is playing:
"This is the first day of the rest of your life, because even in the dark we can still see the light, it's going to be alright"

This is how I know God has done some major work in me lately. I'm still nowhere near excited about school, I still hate speeches, but I'm not extremely nervous to the point of hysteria like I normally am before something like this. I'm praying I can keep this odd calm. I say odd, because it's unusual for me to be this calm. Let's pray that my calmness stays around for tomorrow :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

When one door closes, another one opens.

This week has felt like an emotional roller coaster, I went from feeling accomplished for not being too nervous about meetings, to being down right sad that I feel like I'm losing a "best friend", back to extreme happiness that God was opening doors, to heartbroken for what other people are going through.

But since I was excited earlier in the week for figuring out what I want to do, I decided this thing needs to be updated again.

I ventured down to a local elementary school twice on Thursday to ask about volunteering for my co-op, only to find after my third trip that the office was CLOSED....until Wednesday! Needless to say I was dissappointed. So Friday I called the co-op advisor and found out that I didn't have to change schools and waiting until then was just fine.

Okay, now I'm calm again.

Later in the day the advisor calls back and tells me I may be elegible for a work study! That means there's a small chance that I could get experience in schools and be paid minimum wage! I have a meeting Monday to talk about it. Even better, it's only 12 or so hours a week so I'm hoping this means I'll still be able to keep up with school and church.

Church. Tonight we're showing To Save A Life. One of the best movies I've seen all year, and definitely the most life changing. If you haven't seen this movie then I suggest you run...not walk, to your nearest store and buy it, or at least your nearest video renting place and rent it. You will NOT regret it. Our church invited other youth groups in this county and the next, and our youth group has been busy trying to get friends to come...at least a couple of us have :) I'm hoping and praying that God will open people's hearts and use this movie to do awesome things!

Jeremiah 29:11 ♥
look it up.

Monday, August 9, 2010


For someone who dosen't usually like a whole lot of change, I sure am experiencing some lately. For someone who has never wanted to do anything medical, I decided my senior year of high school that that is where I wanted to be, so I signed up for classes at the local community college fully intent on going into nursing or radiography. Some where along the way this spring I decided neither of those were what I wanted to do, so I waited hours at the advising office to change my major and get classes for a liberal arts A.A.

I also dont like to not know what I'm doing. So being undecided for a major and where to go after this year has been eating at me all summer long. I even thought about taking a year off to find a job and save some money so I could go away. Once I got smart and started praying about what to do I felt like God was leading me to a completely different direction. One that I never EVER have wanted to go......teaching. Strangely enough (or not so strangely) I'm actually kind of excited about this. I was never THIS excited about the medical field, so maybe there's something to this and it really is God's will for me and not my half informed craziness leading me. The more I pray about it the more I feel like God's opening doors. I have an offer to do a co-op for college credit! The next step there is picking an elementary school and grade to volunteer at and hope the principal will pick me. I even found out that the University Center at my community college offers an Elementary Education degree through USF, so I can get my degree there, but save on the costs of a dorm and meal plans.

I never thought I'd be a blogger, but since I'm excited about this change, maybe I'll keep this up once in a while, just so I have something to look back at and have a place to add some of my other ramblings. :) Enjoy!